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Recipes: Crisp Black Kale Sandwiches

Kale crisps aren’t exactly a new idea to the world of internet cooks. You might have tried them yourself, or even enjoy them regularly. For us, they’re a great way to eat food so nutritious it can blow your mind, even if you’re not a fan of greens in general. Particularly if you can grow it organically yourself, and you really only need one plant and a pot of nutrient rich soil (compost is great) to give you repeat supplies through the season or even two seasons! (For growing tips, see here)

Cavolo Nero di Toscana (Tuscan Black Kale) is a welcome change to the more ordinary varieties. It’s actually easier to handle in terms of removing the tough bits (there’s really only one central vein that needs removing) and the crispy nearly black strips look glorious! Wonderful alternative to lettuce in your sandwich, this high contrast combination of light and dark, crisp and smooth, sweet and salty will turn lunch into a gourmet experience. Here’s how.

Prep time: 25-30 minutes

Serves: 3 adults


  • 6-7 large leaves of Cavolo Nero kale

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (extra virgin worked a treat in our case)

  • pinch of salt

  • pinch of black pepper (optional)

  • 1 avocado, peeled, cored and sliced

  • 9 tablespoons cream cheese (soft cheese)

  • 3 ciabatta rolls


0. Set the oven on to 160-170 degrees Celsius (fan).

1. Wash the kale leaves thoroughly and pat dry with tea towel.

2. Separate out the tough middle vein using fingers or knife, and discard.

3. Tear the remaining soft leaf into smaller chunks (alternatively, you can bake them long and break after baking into whatever size you like, it’s rather satisfying).

4. Place in a bowl and pour in the olive oil. Using your hands, massage the oil well into each leaf until entirely covered. It’s important to do this as thoroughly as you can to help the kale crisp up evenly in the oven.

5. Lay the pieces flat on a baking tray or sheet, spreading them out to avoid leaves touching. Metal trays work best, ie. give quickest results.

6. Once the oven feels hot enough, place the baking sheet(s) in for 10-15 minutes, checking from the 10 minute point for any sign of discolouration. If the kale is going brownish, it’s burning and needs taking out. Poke it with a fork - if it is stiff and crispy, it’s ready.

7. Cut your ciabattas in half and toast lightly together as a whole roll (you can use a sandwich maker, or pop them on top of a regular toaster or chuck them into the oven while it’s still hot!). A couple of minutes is enough but feel free to experiment.

8. Sprinkle the Cavolo Nero crisps with salt (and pepper if liked).

9. Spread layers of cream cheese, kale crisps and avocado slices on one half of the rolls.

10. Cover with another layer of Cavolo Nero and the other half roll.

There it is! Munch, crunch and enjoy!

Don’t forget to let us know how you liked it. Would you have put anything else in this sandwich? Why not leave your suggestion here? We like trying new things!

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